Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our FAQ page for answers to everything you would like to know about what we do, what we charge, our process, and how everything works.

Pricing & Plans

If I choose a subscription plan, how long does it last?

The subscription plan lasts for a minimum of 12 months and is month to month after that. Cancel anytime after the 12 months have passed. If you cancel, you don’t keep the site (otherwise everyone would just do that and I’d be out of business!).

What happens if I cancel after the 12 month minimum and want to come back?

You just have to sign a new 12 month contract.

What happens if I cancel before the 12 months are over?

If you cancel before the 12 months, you owe the full cost of what the site would normally cost minus whatever you already paid. I prioritize long term relationships with our clients. And I want clients to share the same philosophy.

How do you handle late payments?

Every invoice comes with a 7 day grace period to be paid. If an invoice is not paid within 7 days, there will be a $25 late fee applied. If you’re on a subscription, and there are multiple monthly invoices that are overdue for months and late for months, I can cancel the contract and the client will be responsible for paying the full price of the site. I am generally very flexible and understanding of certain situations and often times offer assistance and help. But if there is no communication or replies to messages, I have to take certain precautions to make sure payment is given for time and effort in making the site and not being taken advantage of.

Are there refunds?

When you sign a contract, either lump sum or subscription, if I cannot design something you are 100% happy with and no longer want to move forward, then I will refund whatever you paid to get started. If we do end up moving forward with building the site, there are no refunds after that point.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind.

Subscription Plans

If I choose a subscription plan, how long does it last?

The subscription plan lasts for a minimum of 12 months and is month to month after that. Cancel anytime after the 12 months have passed. If you cancel, you don’t keep the site (otherwise everyone would just do that and I’d be out of business!).

What happens if I cancel after the 12 month minimum and want to come back?

You just have to sign a new 12 month contract.

What happens if I cancel before the 12 months are over?

If you cancel before the 12 months, you owe the full cost of what the site would normally cost minus whatever you already paid. I prioritize long term relationships with our clients. And I want clients to share the same philosophy.

How do you handle late payments?

Every invoice comes with a 7 day grace period to be paid. If an invoice is not paid within 7 days, there will be a $25 late fee applied. If you’re on a subscription, and there are multiple monthly invoices that are overdue for months and late for months, I can cancel the contract and the client will be responsible for paying the full price of the site. I am generally very flexible and understanding of certain situations and often times offer assistance and help. But if there is no communication or replies to messages, I have to take certain precautions to make sure payment is given for time and effort in making the site and not being taken advantage of.

Are there refunds?

When you sign a contract, either lump sum or subscription, if I cannot design something you are 100% happy with and no longer want to move forward, then I will refund whatever you paid to get started. If we do end up moving forward with building the site, there are no refunds after that point.

Web Design

If I choose a subscription plan, how long does it last?

The subscription plan lasts for a minimum of 12 months and is month to month after that. Cancel anytime after the 12 months have passed. If you cancel, you don’t keep the site (otherwise everyone would just do that and I’d be out of business!).

What happens if I cancel after the 12 month minimum and want to come back?

You just have to sign a new 12 month contract.

What happens if I cancel before the 12 months are over?

If you cancel before the 12 months, you owe the full cost of what the site would normally cost minus whatever you already paid. I prioritize long term relationships with our clients. And I want clients to share the same philosophy.

How do you handle late payments?

Every invoice comes with a 7 day grace period to be paid. If an invoice is not paid within 7 days, there will be a $25 late fee applied. If you’re on a subscription, and there are multiple monthly invoices that are overdue for months and late for months, I can cancel the contract and the client will be responsible for paying the full price of the site. I am generally very flexible and understanding of certain situations and often times offer assistance and help. But if there is no communication or replies to messages, I have to take certain precautions to make sure payment is given for time and effort in making the site and not being taken advantage of.

Are there refunds?

When you sign a contract, either lump sum or subscription, if I cannot design something you are 100% happy with and no longer want to move forward, then I will refund whatever you paid to get started. If we do end up moving forward with building the site, there are no refunds after that point.


If I choose a subscription plan, how long does it last?

The subscription plan lasts for a minimum of 12 months and is month to month after that. Cancel anytime after the 12 months have passed. If you cancel, you don’t keep the site (otherwise everyone would just do that and I’d be out of business!).

What happens if I cancel after the 12 month minimum and want to come back?

You just have to sign a new 12 month contract.

What happens if I cancel before the 12 months are over?

If you cancel before the 12 months, you owe the full cost of what the site would normally cost minus whatever you already paid. I prioritize long term relationships with our clients. And I want clients to share the same philosophy.

How do you handle late payments?

Every invoice comes with a 7 day grace period to be paid. If an invoice is not paid within 7 days, there will be a $25 late fee applied. If you’re on a subscription, and there are multiple monthly invoices that are overdue for months and late for months, I can cancel the contract and the client will be responsible for paying the full price of the site. I am generally very flexible and understanding of certain situations and often times offer assistance and help. But if there is no communication or replies to messages, I have to take certain precautions to make sure payment is given for time and effort in making the site and not being taken advantage of.

Are there refunds?

When you sign a contract, either lump sum or subscription, if I cannot design something you are 100% happy with and no longer want to move forward, then I will refund whatever you paid to get started. If we do end up moving forward with building the site, there are no refunds after that point.

Social Media Management

If I choose a subscription plan, how long does it last?

The subscription plan lasts for a minimum of 12 months and is month to month after that. Cancel anytime after the 12 months have passed. If you cancel, you don’t keep the site (otherwise everyone would just do that and I’d be out of business!).

What happens if I cancel after the 12 month minimum and want to come back?

You just have to sign a new 12 month contract.

What happens if I cancel before the 12 months are over?

If you cancel before the 12 months, you owe the full cost of what the site would normally cost minus whatever you already paid. I prioritize long term relationships with our clients. And I want clients to share the same philosophy.

How do you handle late payments?

Every invoice comes with a 7 day grace period to be paid. If an invoice is not paid within 7 days, there will be a $25 late fee applied. If you’re on a subscription, and there are multiple monthly invoices that are overdue for months and late for months, I can cancel the contract and the client will be responsible for paying the full price of the site. I am generally very flexible and understanding of certain situations and often times offer assistance and help. But if there is no communication or replies to messages, I have to take certain precautions to make sure payment is given for time and effort in making the site and not being taken advantage of.

Are there refunds?

When you sign a contract, either lump sum or subscription, if I cannot design something you are 100% happy with and no longer want to move forward, then I will refund whatever you paid to get started. If we do end up moving forward with building the site, there are no refunds after that point.


If I choose a subscription plan, how long does it last?

The subscription plan lasts for a minimum of 12 months and is month to month after that. Cancel anytime after the 12 months have passed. If you cancel, you don’t keep the site (otherwise everyone would just do that and I’d be out of business!).

What happens if I cancel after the 12 month minimum and want to come back?

You just have to sign a new 12 month contract.

What happens if I cancel before the 12 months are over?

If you cancel before the 12 months, you owe the full cost of what the site would normally cost minus whatever you already paid. I prioritize long term relationships with our clients. And I want clients to share the same philosophy.

How do you handle late payments?

Every invoice comes with a 7 day grace period to be paid. If an invoice is not paid within 7 days, there will be a $25 late fee applied. If you’re on a subscription, and there are multiple monthly invoices that are overdue for months and late for months, I can cancel the contract and the client will be responsible for paying the full price of the site. I am generally very flexible and understanding of certain situations and often times offer assistance and help. But if there is no communication or replies to messages, I have to take certain precautions to make sure payment is given for time and effort in making the site and not being taken advantage of.

Are there refunds?

When you sign a contract, either lump sum or subscription, if I cannot design something you are 100% happy with and no longer want to move forward, then I will refund whatever you paid to get started. If we do end up moving forward with building the site, there are no refunds after that point.